Title - Kevin Michael Vance - writer/musician/purveyor of raw materials
Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon

October 21, 2004


There is a recurring theme among these here "Random Thoughts", and that be the theme of Protocol, and or, etiquette, and or, quite simply, manners.

Protocol is defined, among many things, as- the code of ceremonial forms and courtesies, of precedence, etc. accepted as proper and correct in official dealings.

Etiquette is defined as thus- the forms, manners, and ceremonies established by convention as acceptable or required in social relations, in a profession, or in official life.

And manners, or more rightly, manner, are seen as polite ways of social behavior.

If you do not believe in any of these three concepts, there's no reason for you to continue reading. However, if you're like me, and you do believe in protocol, etiquette, and manners, believe with every ounce of courage in your heart and mind, believe down to the core of everything you construe as the truth, then you my friend, are one of us. Not an elitist, or an isolationist, or an arrogant buffoon... no, but simply a human being who happens to use the most important muscles in his or her body- the brain and the heart. And all of that boils down to something so basic, so instinctive; we call it right and wrong.

I am here to tell everyone who might listen, whether they be two, or two thousand, that there is such a thing as right and wrong. There is a myriad of proper and improper ways to act in a myriad of situations. Would it be right, and or, proper to walk into a Catholic church, or a Buddhist Temple, or a Muslim mosque, screaming profanities at the top of your lungs? No. Would it be right, and or, proper to saunter into a Dojo and begin debasing their particular form of martial arts? Hell no! Would it be right, and or, proper for a parent NOT to remove their screaming child from a movie theatre? Absolutely not! Which brings me, in a circuitous manner, more or less, to my point; I am here to attempt to educate those who seem beatifically oblivious to such things as protocol, etiquette, and manner, or more to the point, right and wrong. It is my fervent belief that these ridiculously simple edicts are, for lack of a better phrase, the glue of society. Without protocol, etiquette, and manner we are nothing. We are less than animals.

Now, someday I'm going to write a coffee table book entitled "Coffee Philosophy, and or, etiquette for those who are old enough to know better". In this book will be the laws, the precepts, by which I strive to live my life. Things like discipline, strength, effort, honor, intelligence, sincerity, and civility. However, I must admit, I find it increasingly difficult to lead a life emboldened by these self-explanatory attributes when it is violently apparent that none of the humans about me share not one, if any, of my virtues. Virtues we should all, myself included, be motivated to achieve, no matter how many times, or how greatly, we may fail at this. I might also take this moment to say that at no time during this rant am I espousing any organized or disorganized religion. More to the contrary, I do not find the word virtue to be divinely influenced, but rather, influenced by the consciousness and empathy of humankind.

Let me share with you now some knowledge I have acquired through a sensitive heart and an open mind, and in so doing, possibly instill in someone out there the wherewithal and vigor to do the right and proper thing, no matter how inconvenienced you may be. I should also point out, that this is not an egotistical diatribe against society, albeit I do, if I'm being completely honest, find "normal" society to abhorrent and odious in the extreme. I am human, and as I have said before this means that, I am fallible. However, that does not change the fact that every day I attempt to live as a warrior, and not an ingrate. The more I live and work and see life ebb and flood about me, the more I'm inclined to think that the majority of people are simply banal, insipid, insincere, selfish bores. And this conclusion is drawn from experience not belief. This is not atavistic blind faith driving me, but an intrinsic knowledge of the human heart and mind.

Therefore, and without much ado, let me elucidate.

and or

I ride a bicycle. I do not do it because I'm trying to make a statement; I do it because I need to get from point A to point B. I have nothing against cars (I do have something against "Sports Utility Vehicles", but that's another subject all together). In fact, there were many years there when I did own and operate a motor vehicle.

What infuriates me the most while riding my bike, infuriates me to the point that I'm actually screaming and gesticulating wildly at people in cars is the utter callousness and egocentricity and apathy and obliviousness they exude when operating the most destructive force mankind has ever created: the automobile.

The automobile is a killer. If you do not know this, you are an idiot. If you do not pay, attention when you're driving you put not only your own life, but also the lives of everyone around you in jeopardy. I for one would be unbelievably incensed if some careless moron or reckless malcontent or some miscreant blathering away on cell phone were to injure, or worse, kill me whilst I was operating my benign bicycle.



When driving in an automobile you come across a pedestrian (or biker) waiting patiently to cross a cross walk visibly marked and with signs on either end, you must stop. Let me repeat myself... WHEN DRIVING IN AN AUTOMOBILE YOU FIND YOURSELF CONFRONTED WITH THE CHOICE TO STOP FOR A PEDESTRIAN (OR BIKER) WHO IS SIMPLY TRYING TO CROSS THE ROAD ON A CROSS WALK OR NOT STOP, YOU MUST STOP! And you must stop every time, regardless if there is a light.

Pedestrians have the right of way on a cross walk. This is the law! You break the law when you do not stop for them!

There is a particular crosswalk on Vindicator road in Colorado Springs (an ultra conservative, and hideously repressed society, but again, that's another topic) that I have been to many, many times. You must realize that I ride over 24 miles a week. I'm on my bike four days out of seven, which means I come to this crosswalk four times a week, which then comes to approximately 20 times a months, which ends up being somewhere around the average of 240 different times a year. I have as of yet, and I've lived in "the springs" for over five months, never seen anyone stop for me. Let alone acknowledge his or her mistake by not letting me cross.

This is what I'm talking about when I talk about the "glue of society". These are the tiny evils that weaken us, day by day, and will eventually, after time, destroy us completely.


When you are walking, and or, biking a trail, do so on the right side. I repeat… BIKE AND OR WALK ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE TRAIL! We live in America. This is somewhat redundant of me, but it bears calling attention to. We do not live in... let us say, the land of Briton, or the land down under, Australia. You see, in those countries they drive on the left side. In America, we drive on the right side. This same uncomplicated law applies to any trail. Why would it not? Why would you jog or bike on the left side? I'll tell you why… BECAUSE YOU ARE AN IDIOT! Hike or bike or walk or run or jog ON THE RIGHT SIDE!


Still pertaining to the trail, or bike lanes… if you are biking, hiking, running, jogging, and or walking in a company, which means you're in a group, and you come upon another person or persons approaching you, get into single file. I repeat… if you bike, hike, run, jog, or walk in a group GET IN SINGLE FILE! Why… because it is selfish, rude, arrogant, and insulting for you not to. You are not special. You are not unique. (Neither am I for that matter. I'm just like every other writer-wanna-be trying to eek out a proud, self-sufficient existence.) You do not deserve special treatment. No one, barring invalids and the handicapped, deserves special treatment. You MUST follow the rules as the rest of us do. THE RULES APPLY TO YOU! THE RULES APPLY TO ALL OF US!

Thank you for your time and patience.

Look for more COFFEE PHILOSOPHY in the coming year.

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