March 19, 2014 What the bloody... ... fuckin' hell is wrong with you people? Seriously! What is the gist? Because I don't get it. Am I the only one in this god-forsaken city who follows the rules? Am I? I mean, whoever said "if you're not upset, you're not paying attention" never lived in Portland. In Portland it should say, "if you're not enraged to the point of a full blown aneurism, you ain't payin' attention!"What is the fucking deal with four way intersections? I'm asking everyone. And I'd love some honest replies. Because... seriously, WHAT THE FUCK? The rules are simple and go as follows: when one comes to a four-way intersection the car in the intersection FIRST, has the right of the way, barring that the right of way belongs to the car on the right. If you don't believe me look it up. If you think I'm wrong, argue with me. But for all that is sane and logical and rational and intelligent do not... DO NOT wave at me like a bad episode of "Portlandia" when you clearly... CLEARLY have the right of way. (Sorry to yell, but hell I'm pissed.) If this didn't happen daily I wouldn't be so adamant or upset. But it's as if there's a demon that steals the memories of every card-carrying motorist in this city and causes them to act like complete obsequious nincompoops. (Yes. I've been watching too much "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer".) The rules apply to everyone. THE RULES APPLY TO EVERYONE. Follow them, or not. I don't really care; albeit to ignore the rules you do so at your own peril. However, don't pull me into your self-entitled nightmare where you're the only one who exists and counts, and the rules are for those lesser humans... you know, the ones who actually use their brains. [Add Comment] [View Comments] 2 |