Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon
January 03, 2013
And thus it begins...
...the resolute masses trundling into the gym, waddling forward like ducklings following the leader, clip boards clutched tightly between flabby fingers, and pressed to their equally flabby chests like religious zealots and their talismans, hoping against hope that it might somehow expunge last years lassitude, last years regrets; BIC pens recording halfhearted efforts and vain attempts at strength, health, and the dubious adjective wellness; resolute in their meaningless "resolutions"; knowing that in the end, they will fail, as they have always failed, and that in less than a month, I will no longer see their faces in the gym.
Don't be like the "tourists". Don't be like "them". Do not make resolutions. Instead, make goals. And not just year long goals, or monthly goals, but rather, lifelong goals. Don't exercise because you think you should, or because others are doing it. Exercise because you feel compelled to do so. Exercise because it is the right thing to do, because it will help your mind just as much as it does your body, because studies have shown that strength training and exercise helps everything from osteoporosis to Alzheime'rs. Exercise for the simple fact that if you do not "use it"; you will "lose it".
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