Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


August 26, 2009
Working --
Recently, I have embarked upon a novel idea that has been itching the back of my brain like the ragged finger of a dead man for over a decade. This is like no other story I've ever attempted, and therefore, increasingly difficult. Furthermore, I'm going about the writing process in a manner I am completely unfamiliar with. It is both dangerous and irresolute, which for me means it's exciting and frightening. I need to give this story my full attention; not because I've avoided it for ten years, but because I already have an agent interested in reading it. I have given myself a month to complete a good portion of the book. If after that time I have nothing but a plethora of moments staring at my Halloween skulls above my computer, I will slide the story to the side, and converge my energies on "geeker" pursuits.
Wish me luck.
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