June 30, 2005 Lies upon lies upon lies... Worth.Webster's New World Dictionary defines "worth" as, and I quote- that quality of a person or thing that lends importance, value, merit, etc. and that is measurable by the esteem in which the person or thing is held. There are other definitions for the word, most of them dealing with monetary value and so forth, but it is the above definition that I want to talk about. Worth. In the "War in Iraq", nearly 2,000 (and climbing, day by bloody day) American soldiers have lost their lives. They are dead. They no longer smile or frown. They no longer laugh or growl. Their lives have been, not snuffed out... not extinguished like a flickering candle, but smashed, crushed, like so many bugs, beneath the merciless heel of a false government and a self-righteous president. They have died, are dieing, and for what? For freedom? I don't think so. Freedom is the sugarcoated shell hiding the rotten and diseased inner core. Did they die for "Weapons of Mass Destruction"? Again, no. That was a lie even before we were able to make the acronym, W.M.D.'s. So why? Why have so many American lives been lost in a war that stinks, and has always stunk, of rhetoric, flag-waving, deception, half-truths, and platitudes? Honestly, I wish I knew. Worth. Over 12,000 (yah, you heard me right… 12,000) Iraqi citizens have been killed, in the "Iraq War". Now this may not matter to anyone, except maybe for the Iraqi's, but these numbers are beyond cruel, they're appalling. Oh, and the number doesn't discriminate. These are 12,000 women, men, children, and the elderly killed by what G.W. wants you to think is a "good idea", but what, in actuality, is the greatest farce, the greatest propaganda play, the greatest deception, and the most monumental waste of lives, resources, energy, and money of the twenty-first century. Worth. Yesterday, G.W. said it was all, "worth it"- the almost 2,000 American lives and well over 12,000 Iraqi citizens dead… slain. G.W. should be fucking ashamed. The god he professes to worship would, viewing his indiscretions and fallacies during life, throw him out of heaven, and cast him into the darkest, dankest deep of hell. This is not a numbers game… these are human lives, lives that are being utterly and completely destroyed by a man who openly confesses that God "talks to him". Is it just me, or does that sort of zealot rhetoric make anyone else nervous? I have news for G.W. It is not worth it. Whatever he may think, whatever his advisors tell him; he is wrong, they are wrong. 2,000 lives and counting, dead because of an evinced lie, is not worth it. How could any one truly believe it is worth it? I feel ashamed, to call myself an American. [Add Comment] 0 Comments |