February 07, 2005 EXERCISING MY INALIENABLE RIGHTS The majority of the American's in this country, the supposed conservatives, no longer appear to be horribly misguided and seemingly bereft of any wit that might actually make them think for themselves. No. That theory was discarded ever since HE came out with his horrific "Faith Based Initiative" and the hideously titled "Patriot Act". Nope. The majority of the American's in this country, the supposed conservatives ARE horribly misguided and seemingly bereft of any wit that might actually make them think for themselves. There is no denying it now. "They", en bloc, would rather be spoon-fed, as is painfully obvious, the rancid conservative rhetoric they readily devour with religious-like zeal. I don't blame them. They are, indeed, part of the majority. However, their ridiculous fear of change and utterly contemptible lack of vision makes them appear somewhat… stunted, to the free-minded and rational-thinking folk of not just America, but the world itself. It is almost like watching a retarded child attempting to manipulate a complicated lock.On the other hand, I do implore the terrified, huddled masses of my bible-based countrymen and women to open their eyes and ears and minds and hearts. Read between the lines, for once in your intelligent-forsaken lives. For once, I beg of you, think for yourselves; do not allow some party of political, warmongers to think for you. Furthermore, make up your own minds and your own ideals. Do not let them be dictated by an antiquated religion and a tired dogma. Considering a good number of Americans are either unwilling or unable to account for the horror and the truth of what is occurring in Iraq I will attempt to elucidate a few facts for all of you, especially for those who are in a revolting state of denial. Now, before we reach an impasse, you must understand one thing. The things I am about to tell you are facts, not fiction. If you cannot realize or comprehend this, then you are lost, like so many others in this country, and are worthy of nothing but scorn and my heated contempt. Fact 1- Iraq did NOT attack us. The 9/11 commission proved this. Fact 2- Iraq had no ties to Al Qaeda; let me repeat myself so I am not misunderstood… Iraq had ZERO ties to Al Qaeda. Again, this was proven by the 9/11 commission report. Fact 3- The entire reason for going to war with Iraq, or rather, I should say, the basis, the very foundation, Bush's regime gave the government and the American people for invading Iraq (make no mistake about it, Bush's police action against the country of Iraq is an invasion… nothing less) was, and still is, a lie. Don't believe me? Well… do you remember those little things called "Weapons of Mass Destruction"? They were the supposed main, if not the only, reason for us to invade Iraq. We did not invade Iraq to protect Americans. We did not invade Iraq to crush terrorists. We invaded Iraq to stop Hussein from building and using his "Weapons of Mass Destruction". Period. If you don't recall what Bush said about the "impending threat" of "Weapons of Mass Destruction", let me show everyone some of his statements here. "Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons." United Nations Address September 12, 2002 "We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas." "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." Address to the Nation March 17, 2003 Well guess what? The U.S. inspectors found no evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction, nor did they find any evidence, whatsoever, that Hussein was even contemplating the construction of Weapons of Mass Destruction; which is to say, the very government conservatives so adamantly and vehemently support lied to them, the entire world, and me. Therefore, conservatives have to ask themselves one question. If the very reason for invading Iraq is a lie, which it is… indisputably, then what does that make the war? I will tell you. It makes the war itself a lie. Futheremore, I am appalled at some of the moronic, completely ignorant statements I keep hearing from people throughout this country. People who want to rationalize Bush's invasion. Things like: "Well we're in Iraq now. Who cares how we got there?", and, "G.W. is your president, you MUST support him.", and even going so far as to say, "If you don't support the president, you are un-American." This twisted logic is one of the main reasons why American's are so hated in the global scheme of things. The reason for invading a country matters! If our reason is wrong, then the entire process is wrong! How is this difficult for conservatives to comprehend? It is not a complicated theory. Then, there is the thought that now I must support Bush, simply by virtue of the fact that he is the president. I got news for all conservatives out there. This is the same mentality and speechifying Hitler used to make the Germans complacent about the fact that he was engaging in genocide. If you make this utterly asinine argument, then by conservatives on admission I should support a wife beater because he is a husband, a pedophile because he is a Priest, or a thief because he is a senator. Finally, I am being more of an "American" by opposing Bush's regime, than those who are simply subservient to popular belief and common peer pressure. This country was founded and built by people who stood up and fought against the common majority and mass mindlessness. Remember, all you liberals and free thinkers out there, take heart, just because you're in the minority, doesn't mean you are wrong. Here is another question conservatives have to ask themselves. What have over a thousand soldiers, and counting, died for? What have well over twenty thousand, and counting, soldiers been wounded for? If it was not for the Weapons of Mass Destruction, which we were all told was an imminent threat to America, then what, in the name of everything rational, logical, and intelligent, was it, and is it, all for? Hussein was a very, very bad man. We all know and accept this. But there are bad men and bad doings throughout the breadth of this whole world. What about North Korea, India, and Kashmir? What about the Sudan and Rwanda, and many other places, in Africa: Uganda, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe (just to name a few)? What about Colombia and Cuba? What about Chechnya and Georgia: Abkhasia? What about Northern Ireland and Turkey? My point is that conservatives are not looking at the big picture. They have small minds and small visions. What they are not seeing is that Bush has taken a horrible, tragedy- 9/11- and used it, manipulated it, as the impetus for invading a country that has never attacked us. You know… I seem to remember a news bulletin. Yah… it's all coming back to me now. Bush jumped out of a helicopter, all trussed up in a flight suit, and he told me that the war was over. Right? I mean that is what he said. Right? I'm pretty sure he didn't stutter, and I'm pretty sure I heard him correctly. I mean… there were people clapping and cheering. Right? The war was over. Right? Was that the truth? Or was it a lie? What exactly… was that? Why are we still fighting? Why are we still in Iraq? Why are more and more young men and women dieing? I have a guess. And that guess is… National Interests. I'm assuming you all know what national interests are. However, if you are not familiar with the term, I will explain. National Interests are the reasons why this country has so many troops, mainly Special Forces, scattered throughout the world. National Interests are things like oil, trade, financial markets, and so on. They are not about freedom, though this is what HE will tell you they are about. They are not about democracy, and again, HE will tell you this is what they are about. No. They are about money and power, pure and simple. Besides, who are we to decide whether or not a country needs, or even, wants democracy? Is this country willing to risk lives, and kill thousands of people just to prove a point? Are we so arrogant to think that other countries, countries that have been surviving and thriving for thousands of years, need our help to survive and thrive? Are conservatives, so adamantly supporting a bullshit war that has all the trappings of a twenty first century "Vietnam", willing to kill and die for a lie? Wake up religious conservatives. Smell the stink your particularly party is wallowing in. At the very least, accept the truth. If you shut yourself off to the truth, then you are nothing more than a foolish, automaton, mindlessly spouting what you are told to say and believe. Below are some websites everyone should check out. They espouse nothing but the facts, and facts are what you should base your opinion on. http://www.soaw.org/new/ http://www.aclu.org/ http://www.populist.com [Add Comment] [View Comments] 2 |