June 15, 2018 One more truth among many... And the truths just keep comin':droppin' 'em like grenades... like a mic'! Whatever. The image below represents a stop light, and or, stop light traffic signal. For as long as I have been in Portland (over 20 years), Porltanders have had a very difficult time understanding the three different color codes. (Much as it pains me, I cannot blame this particular failing on Mellenials or California transplants.) Allow me to define each color now. Red- means stop. Yellow- measn "proceed with caution". Green- means go. The color in which all of you seem to struggle the most with is green. Green means go. It does not mean to continue texting or snapchatting or yelping or tweeting or googling or checking email. Green means go. Put down the coffee and the cellphone and pay attention to what you are doing; which is simply disobeying the law. Gods, I get so frustrated with self-entitled self-absorbed morons who either do not know the rules, or believe that the rules do not apply to them. Sheesh! [Add Comment] 0 Comments |