December 28, 2019 The Lovely Land of Television...
Forgive me. I feel it incumbent to "geek-out" just a little bit, thus quelling any foreseen and unforeseen problems, and to set the record straight. I've been watching netflix's "The Witcher". I have some problems with the show right off the bat. I'm 5 episodes in and there has been no effort on either the writers or the director to do any world building. We are catapulted into this fantasy land and I know nothing: I don't know where "Nilfgaard" is or "Rivia" or "Cintra", there's a bunch of guilds and I know next to nothing about them, Geralt of Rivia is a mutant who has been bred to be a "Witcher" and again... I have no context whatsoever. Elves are also considered second-class citizens and I know not why. The dialogue is mostly hackneyed lazy crap, with Geralt's character especially poorly written as he pronounces- almost as if I'm watching Steve Buscemi in "Fargo"- quite dumbly, "Awww fuck." The costuming is sometimes laughable. You've Henry Cavell... a man who's in incredible shape, covered up by leather armor poorly fitted. But all of that is "window-dressing". What I really want to vent about is them referring to Geralt as "The White Wolf". That is complete and utter plagiarism. There is but one "White Wolf" and he is, indeed, Elric of Melnibone, Emperor of the Dreaming City of Immyr. For Christ's Sake! The third book in the Elric saga is entitled, "The Weird of the White Wolf". Nothing could make me like the series less than this egregious facsimile. Below is Geralt of Rivia... the Witcher and "White Wolf" imposter. Above are five renditions of the true and only "White Wolf". Three of the amazing depictions of Elric are by the AMAZING Michael Whelan, of whom I've been a fan for over 30 years. (I remember picking out books solely on the merit that Mr. Whelan had painted the cover art.) The third is painted by Doug Beekman. And the fourth is by a freelance artist by the name of Carlos "Kamyu" Diaz Asenjo. [Add Comment] 0 Comments |