October 10, 2016 What the hell? What is wrong with people? Seriously. Can anyone tell me?My neighbor just walked by me while I was talking to my mother on the phone, he was less than a foot away, and he never even acknowledged that I was there. Here I am, attempting to be a good neighbor and a good man, smiling and nodding to him, and I may as well have been part of the brick wall. Of course this kid is a Millenial, but seriously, how far in life is he going to get if he ignores everyone and everything around him? The nerve. The audacity. Screw that... the down right self-involved rudeness of the child. Thank the bloody heart and the blessed mind I know some men and women of the Millenial generation who aren't ignorant, insensible, narcissistic, self-centered, stiffs. Holy Mary Mother of Zeus... oh, how I weep for this generation. Now I'm depressed. [Add Comment] 0 Comments |