December 19, 2019 The Horror of Twenty First Century Life... So... I'm walking to work the other day because my intelligently-challenged sub-human woefully inadequate "Property Manager" decided to unnecessarily mess with the parking spaces in our lot and cause an immeasurably petty row to the point where I have to leave my car in its designated spot for fear one of my intelligently-challenged inconsiderate neighbors will steal it. When I walk past a girl- headphones plugged into her ear canals, eyes downcast into the glittering screen of her phone. She proceeds to smack her head on a low tree branch, because, of course, she's not looking where she's going. She cries out in alarm. Glares at the offensive limb. And then continues down the sidewalk, eyes stapled to her phone, ears hearing nothing but what the machine is telling her... oblivious... ignorant... dare I say, stupid. A great part of me wants nothing more to do with this ludicrous society and culture, and their insipid need and desire to embrace "Big Brother"
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