Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon
September 03, 2009
In the case of my last Random thought, I figured I should ad this: it matters what yours and my definition is, regarding the theory, and or, prospect of what makes up a man or a woman. I do not look at the concept of being a "Man", or a "Woman" as a negative or derogatory one. Far from it, I feel as though all of us, man and woman alike, should strive to be just that. A man to me is a positive, good thing. To be a man, for me, is to be strong: mentally strong, emotionally strong, and physically strong. It's about strength and courage and discipline and honor and effort. It's about everything I believe to be good and virtuous in the world, minus the inane trappings of a religious dogma. To be more precise, the morality of man and woman is not divinely dictated, but rather, an intrinsically human aspect. It has been about, and WILL always be about, saying what you mean, and meaning what you say. It is bout being polite in an impolite, veritably rude, world; about doing the right thing when there's no one around to congratulate you for your effort; about paying attention to the little things that matter, and not worrying about the larger things that do not matter. The same goes for my definition of a woman. A woman, to me, acts with a sense of self-respect, and the same honor and effort and discipline I would attribute to a man. In essence, it's about being a human being; about doing for yourself and not relying on others to "do" for you.
This is what makes a Man, or a Woman. And this, inherently, is what I feel that we as a society have regrettably lost.
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