November 03, 2004 LAMENTATION FOR AMERICA Today is a day of mourning for me. Today is the day that ignorance has taken precedence over wisdom, stupidity has beaten down intelligence, courage has lost to cowardice, weakness has gotten the better of strength, and arrogance shined brighter and hotter than humility.Today the president elect was reelected. The irony being it looks like he did it fairly this time. Considering that the majority of the country (I am quite grieved to say) has seen fit to actually put G.W. (pronounced: Gee dub'yah) back into office. I have prepared a list of the horrors and atrocities we can all look forward to in the coming four years. Time will either prove me wrong, or right. Between you and I, I desperately hope I am wrong. 1. WE WILL INVADE ANOTHER COUNTRY- Whether it be Iran, North Korea, or the Sudan, G.W., sure as I'm sittin' here, will get us into another war. And the operative word here people, is "invade". Whether you want to believe it or not we invaded Iraq. They did not attack us: this is a fact. We were not defending ourselves, at least not from Iraq: this is also a fact. They had no ties to Al Qadea: the 9/11 commission, proved this without a doubt. And they had no weapons of mass destruction: again, another fact, and another truth. Just as assuredly as Hitler, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Timur Lenk, and all the other noble and ignoble tyrants throughout history we, as a country, will blindly follow his dog-eared and tired rhetoric, as well as his armies of the religious right, as they overrun and subjugate an entire country and society all in the name of God and democracy and freedom. 2. THERE WILL BE A DRAFT- We are far too spread out; far too thin a military force, with Army reservists for Christ sake pulling in two and three and four tours of duty, NOT to have a draft. I wish it were otherwise but it isn't. Remember, we're still in Afghanistan. We still have forces there. How are we to maintain our armies' readiness and ability when we are fighting battles in two separate countries? There's no way we can continue our ugly reign of American supremacy, without a draft. Period. I must admit, I hope I'm especially wrong on this. Too many Americans already have died in a bull shit war, I don't want anymore names added to that list. 3. WE WILL NOT WIN THE WAR IN IRAQ- Think about it… and remember what I said before, the war in Iraq is an invasion, pure and simple. What would happen (heaven forbid) if this country were invaded? Would you stop fighting against our would-be oppressors? Would I? No. Hell no! We would fight until our last breath. If we had no weapons, we would throw stones. If we had no stones, we would tear our invaders apart with our teeth. My point is we would not stop fighting. Ever! And neither will they. Which is why we're going to lose this war. You also have to understand that these people have been fighting, in one form or another, for most of their lives. It is a part of their daily activities, and the worst part is, too them, this war that G.W. started is not just a war, it is a Jihad- a holy war. This makes them ten times more dangerous, and it also makes the likelihood that they will simply give up and adopt democracy ten times less likely. 4. THIS COUNTRY WILL BE IN A WORLD OF HURT- And it's going to be in a world of hurt in a myriad of ways. Forget Medicare, he doesn't care about that. Forget the environment, he sure as hell doesn't care about that. Forget health benefits, he's proven to us he doesn't care about that. Forget personal freedoms under the constitution of the United States, he doesn't care about those either. Forget progress in the name of science, progress that might benefit millions upon millions of lives, what does he care about progress when there is his antiquated religion to think about? Forget trying to reduce the deficit. What does that matter? We're it at war, son! I am not a liberal and I am not a conservative. I am not a Republican and I am not a Democrat. What I am is an American, disgusted with and repelled by, the leader of his country. I was 100% in favor of the attack on Afghanistan, and 100% against the invasion of Iraq, albeit Osama Bin Laden is this countries Frankenstein monster. We created him, we funded him, we gave him arms and support, and then we were shocked to see him turn around and slap us in the face. Trust me, America has been creating cretins and cowards like Bin Laden for many, many years. Just look at the School of America in Fort Benning, Georgia. They've been creating the likes of Bin Laden, and worse, for over a decade. Don't believe me? Go to this website and see for yourself: http://www.soaw.org/new/ I want this country to be everything that it can be… I yearn for it. But we cannot do that with a man like G.W. in office. It's just not possible. We need courage, we need perseverance, we need a sense of rational intelligence and community thought, and we need a wisdom that takes priority over any and all ideology, especially where it might benefit Americans. There was a time (it seems a long, long time ago) when I was proud to be an American. That lasted about a week. I am scared. Scared of what the president and his zealot mentality will get us into next. Scared that I am one of a tragic few who actually can read between the lines, and not be force-fed my ideals or my opinions. This country is a good and wonderful country, but if left in the hands of those in power it will become medieval in its thinking, isolationist in its actions, and egomaniacal in its attitude. I am scared for the future, nay terrified. I am scared even to write this, considering the fact that under the asinine and utterly totalitarian "Patriot Act", my voice, my opinion, could be construed as an act of terrorism, and I could be thrown in jail without a warrant or ever being convicted for as long as the current government deemed it necessary. Don't let this happen! Go to this website and do something…. anything! http://www.aclu.org/SafeandFree/SafeandFree.cfm?ID=12126&c=207 I hope my predictions for the coming four years are wrong, honestly, I do. I hope HE proves me wrong and turns out to be a just, wise, scrupulous, and trustworthy man. The problem is, about things like this, I am rarely wrong. [Add Comment] [View Comments] 5 |