Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Michael J. Bassett
Year: 2009
Reviewed: October 07, 2013
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I just saw "Solomon Kane" on Netflix, and I'll tell ya' something... I freakin' loved it! Don't get me wrong, it is a -B- movie; but with stellar performances from Purefoy and the always loveable Pete Postlethwaite, great action scenes- namely the sword fighting, some incredible set and wardrobe design, gorgeous cinematography, passable computer graphics and a solid story that moves along at an ever-increasing tension-filled pace, "Solomon Kane" becomes a movie that is not only enjoyable, but good. This is how they should have handled the remake of "Conan, the Barbarian".
"Solomon Kane" is good, gory fun. That's why it gets a solid FAST FOOD MEAL review.