Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Guillermo Del Toro
Year: 2007
Reviewed: January 23, 2007
Rating: |
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Four Course Meal-Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I'm giving Pan's Labyrinth a low FOUR COURSE MEAL review.
There's a lot to love about this film. It's a magical blend of fantasy and horror, that is written, acted, and directed extremely well. The special effects- from C.G.I. to make up- are phenomenal. The thing that makes this film special is that there are not many like it. Thankfully, the fantasy genre on a whole is having its cyclical rebirth (I just saw an advertisement for "A Bridge of Teribithia", which was one of my favorite books as a young boy). I'm happy and pleased to be seeing all these fantasy films, and books earn so many accolades and do so well, monetarily speaking.
The reason, however, I give it a low FOUR COURSE MEAL review is if you've seen any of Miyazaki's brilliant films; namely "Howl's Moving Castle", and "Spirited Away", "Pan's Labyrinth" will feel more than slightly derivative. There's even a "spirited" little girl who just so happens to be the main protagonist. This doesn't necessarily take away from anything in Toro's film it is, however, glaringly apparent that he got his inspiration (and to be honest -- why not!) from the unarguable master that is Hayao Miyazaki