Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Christian Alvart
Year: 2009
Reviewed: December 07, 2009
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

"Pandorum", what a blast -- what a dark, sinister, fun movie -- filled with scary, mutated humans, dimly-lit, shadow-draped corridors, and some pretty damn decent acting.
"Pandorum" gets a FAST FOOD meal review. In fact, it is about as perfect a FAST FOOD meal review movie as any I've seen for awhile.
This movie embraces both it's horrific and sci-fi origins; with a liberal dab of action thrown in to invigorate the movement. The script is edgy and intelligent (for once). The acting is more than competent for what many will simply refer to as "B-Horror". The direction is choppy when it should be; steady when it has to be. On a whole, one hell-of-a-ride -- makes a watcher yearn for the possibility of a sequel, just as snappy, just as thrilling. "Pandorum" probably can't escape being compared to "Event Horizon", but I believe the former film to be far superior. Sure, it steals from many other Sci-Fi/Horror films; however, "Pandorum's" theft is nothing compared to the liberal, hackneyed, plagiarism of "Event Horizon's" unfortunate script.