Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Shane Black
Year: 2016
Reviewed: September 19, 2016
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I did, indeed, very much enjoy "The Nice Guys". More of these "black comedies" need to be made. Their irreverence, their violent wit, their unabashed joy of anti-heroes needs to be applauded and embraced. However, and this is simply a personal taste, I prefer Shane Black's earlier film with Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer, "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang". Did Crowe and Gosling have chemistry in "Nice Guys"? Absolutely. However, I thought it paled in comparison to tumultuous relationship between "Gay Perry" and "Harry". Not to mention the fact that, "The Nice Guys" is a mirror-image story to what was told in "Kiss, Kiss". I just thought "Kiss, Kiss", told it better.
"The Nice Guys" is good, and should be watched. Therefore, I give it a solid FAST FOOD MEAL review.