Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Title: 28 Days Later
Director: Danny Boyle
Year: 2002
Reviewed: July 20, 2003
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I give "28 Days Later" a high Fast Food Meal rating.
I would have given this film a Four Course Meal rating, were it not for the fact that I have one critique, and it's a big one. There is absolutely no originality at all in this film; not a spark, not even a tiny, wisp. Quite literally, everything in this film has been done before in some other medium or context; whether it be George Romero's "Living Dead" series, Stephen King's novel "The Stand", Richard Matheson's "I am Legend", or even Charlton Heston in "Omega Man", "28 Days Later" is a cardboard-cut-out premise of former Zombie movies or books.
Which, is why "28 Days Later" is that much more amazing and incredible!
Nothing new I says, except for the outstanding way in which it was filmed: the cuts, the edits, the cinematography, the direction, the acting, as well as an unnerving, gut-wrenching tension prevalent throughout the entire movie.
You can say a lot about the script; some of the reactions to the horror by the relatively realistic characters were realistic, others were not. Would any sane person take a dark, scary tunnel, which may be infested with infected, human-meat hungry Zombies, when they could take the open road in broad daylight? No. Probably not. Was that silly? Yah, honestly, it was. Nevertheless, the fact remains that Danny Boyle set out to do the best-God forsaken Zombie movie ever made.
And he succeeded.
You will notice that in this review section I will not be giving an over view of the movies I review. Who wants to read about the plot from some addle brained writer, when you can go see the movie for yourself? Not me! What I will do however is give you my opinion, for what it's worth. I will give you the good and bad points of each film, then I suggest you go see it for yourself and make up your own mind.
Therefore, that is it. If you want to see the finest, most excruciatingly tense Zombie movie EVER MADE… go see "28 Days later". Just go in with the thought that you have seen all this before, just never in such a brilliant incarnation.