Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Jack Heller
Year: 2014
Reviewed: August 04, 2016
Rating: |
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Rice Cake-Lowest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

There's some nice things about, "Dark was the Night". Namely Kevin Durand, an actor who has somehow slipped by Hollywood's attention. He is a big guy (6'6 for Christ's sake) who can act. I have liked him in everything I have seen him in; e.g. Lost, Priest, 3:10 to Yuma, Robin Hood. But somehow, someway he has been relegated to side-kick; another reason why I was excited to see this movie. And I like monster movies.
"Dark was the Night" starts out all right... a slow burn with some okay creeps; albeit nothing special or overly creepy. It definitely lacks from a minimum of gore, all the way to not enough creeps. But it works, to a point, namely due to the efforts of the lead, Kevin Durand. Not to mention the fact that I was on board for most of the first and second act. But then there's the reveal; the monster reveal. All C.G. And all of it horribly rendered. No practical effects just a giant lizard man who looks like he may have leapt from a frame of the 1974 TV series "Land of the Lost". And beyond that, a horribly contrived ending.
But for Kevin Durand's performance this movie is most definitely not worth a viewing. Therefore it gets my lowest review, a RICE CAKE review. If you can find any of these films, then do so. They are a better use of your time: "Lake Placid", "The Host", "Tremors", "Slither", "Troll Hunter". "Grabbers"... etc.