Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Ridley Scott
Year: 2012
Reviewed: July 12, 2012
Rating: |
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Four Course Meal-Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Spoilers abound. If you haven't seen the fantastic sci-fi/horror film "Prometheus", read no further.
And another thing...
A great deal has been said of the movie "Prometheus" since I first reviewed the film; and not all of it positive. "They" have been speaking. And "they" call the film derivative. In truth, there are some derivative aspects of the film. But for my part, that does not at all detract from my all consuming love of the movie. And for his part, Ridley Scott, directed one of the greatest horror movie's of all time- "Alien". When you do something as monumental as that you can't help but copy the best; in that case he was copying himself. "Kingdom of Heaven" was extremely derivative, copying many things from "Gladiator", but I still enjoyed aspects of the film. Motivations are not necessarily explained in "Prometheus"; I still have no idea why the android infected that one guy, or why the scientists didn't think to realize that the scary-looking penis monsters were indeed, "scary-looking penis monsters", nor can I explain why Theron's character didn't run to the side. But all that matters not. The concepts in "Prometheus" are still intriguing, the mythology still engaging, and the production value still superb. Ridley Scott is a master of imagery, and in his own words "putting together scenes". No other director has brought together, on screen, so many profound and stimulating images. His scripts and character motivations might be a tad muddled, but his direction is not, and I believe, never will be.
"Prometheus" ain't perfect, but what movie is. If you want to see an amazing sci-fi/horror epic on the grandest of scales go see "Prometheus".