Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Title: Down in the Valley
Director: David Jacobson
Year: 2005
Reviewed: October 17, 2006
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Again, this is one of the more recent films that I've seen and I got'a tell ya' I liked it.
I give, Down in the Valley, a HIGH FAST FOOD MEAL review.
I think the main reason, at least for me as to the reason why I liked this film is quite simple: I fell in love with the characters. Edward Norton, as always, is outstanding, and if you stare too long at Evan Rachel Wood you're bound to fall for her; 'course that's assuming that you're alive and breathing and have a pulse.
Just as The Proposition was not easy, Down in the Valley too makes a conscious decision, especially on the part of the actors, director, and writer, not to cater to a level of ignorance that is found in many of today's more touted and trumpeted films. Most importantly, however, it's the characters that make Down in the Valley something different, and inevitably, something special. You have to stick with the characters and their journey through the film. Nothing is fed to you, and nothing is readily explained. This makes the film both hauntingly realistic and strangely dream-like.