Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Zack Snyder
Year: 2009
Reviewed: September 25, 2009
Rating: |
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Four Course Meal-Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I liked the "Watchmen". However, it is somewhat difficult to review. The theatrical version (which we watched) comes in just under three hours, which is a testament to the director and actors, because not once was I ever bored or indifferent. I have read, and thoroughly enjoyed, the graphic novel. But the person with whom I watched the film was more often confused, which is completely understandable considering the story is epic in scope, and not all of it can be told, even in three hours. The casting, acting, as well as direction were very impressive. One got the impression that, not only, did the director understand and respect the book, but so did the actors. The special effects were somewhat over the top for me. Personally, I prefer to see a mixture of C.G.I. and model work. I do understand why they chose the predominantly G.G.I. route, with a film of this scope you have to cut corners (and budget) somewhere. With that said, and you may quote me on this, IT IS A MISTAKE TO MAKE HUMAN, OR EVEN FACSIMILE'S OF HUMANS, ENTIRELY C.G.I.. It always will be a mistake. It was a mistake to make Gollum entirely C.G.I., and it was a mistake to make Dr. Manhattan entirely C.G.I.. Whatever a director can do inside the guts of a mindless computer will never compare to the grace, the strength, the beauty, the ennui, and the profundity a talented actor can bring to a part, even when he or she is covered, head to toe, in prosthetics. Admittedly, I am so damn tired of directors continually taking the easy, cheaper path of C.G.I.. As I have said, and will continue to say (until someone bloody well listens to me), if they're human, or human creatures, or even mammalian -- MAKE THEM PROSTHETIC! Believe me, I know what sort of money it takes to make a movie. But directors supposedly have visions, and I hate to see them sullied or cheapened by a "quick fix", which essentially what C.G.I. has become. If, as a director, you don't have the money or the time, you go to the computer.
With all that said, and hopefully, not being redundant, I truly enjoyed the "Watchmen". It may well be too much for some to stomach, but if you loved the book, I think you'll love the movie.
I give the "Watchmen" a FOUR COURSE MEAL review.