Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Mike Flanagan
Year: 2021
Reviewed: October 27, 2022
Rating: |
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Rice Cake-Lowest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

And another thing...
So it would appear I decided, either because I'm completely stark-raving mad or my own worst glutton for punishment, to "hate-watch" the last of Midnight Mass. Granted, I had but one episode left to go.
Strangely enough (or maybe not so strangely as it concerns my already deepening dislike for the series) I liked it even less after finishing it in its entirety.
Spoilers abound: so if you plan on watching one of the most poorly written tv series since the first season of The Witcher, stop reading now.
With all humility and honesty, I truly cannot conceive of a worse ending for such a bad show. Not one person through what... 8 or 10 episodes... ever utters the word Vampire. Albeit the "Angel" the deluded priest has brought into the small town's midst looks like a bat-monster, with not a shred of the angelic about it. As the town goes on a mass killing spree (but not really, because they will all be resurrected as Vampires) none of them questions their need for blood, and their desire to kill as less than Christian-like.
But it's okay, because they will all come together in the end as Vampires, sing their kumbaya's, realize the error of their ways, look back towards the light of their lord, and sacrifice themselves to the sun.
Why even the one's who don't want to die never think to dig a hole and bury themselves to escape "God's" cleansing rays. Or maybe find a boat (this is an island) under which to shelter for the day.
But worst off is the fact that Mister Flanagan decided to end the series on yet another unending and pointless monologue.
Boring, unintelligent, and uninspired, Midnight Mass is worse for watching it to the bitter end.