Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: William Kaufman
Year: 2016
Reviewed: November 13, 2016
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Very simply, "Daylight's End", is a low budget, post apocalypse, "28 Day Later" type zombie film. It has every single trope you would hope for and expect from a B-grade zombie flick. The thing that makes it better than the normal fare are the actors. First and foremost I am, and always have been, a huge fan of Lance Henriksen, but the rest of the cast truly make what could have been shlock into a very memorable, entertaining and enjoyable,-regardless of how cliche it might be- flick. I enjoyed this movie. You need to understand that this movie was made for an estimated $2,000,000. As an example, "Dead Pool", was estimated to have been made for $58,000,000.
Give movies like "Daylight's End" a chance. They're fun. That is why I give it a solid FAST FOOD MEAL review.