Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Craig Gillespe
Year: 2011
Reviewed: December 19, 2011
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Admittedly, I was never a fan of the original, 1982, film. I thought the neighborhood vampire was a tool at best, and the only redeeming qualities of the film were some okay prosthetic work, Roddy Mcdowell and the character Evil Ed. I debate fervently with my girlfriend that the film was not meant to be campy, but serious. And that Chris Sarandon, however dorky he may appear to be, was, in point of fact, the titular lead: all sex appeal and lust. Ultimately the original Fright Night failed for me, not because of story or character development, but from a personal bias about what I thought a cool, sexy vampire should look and act like.
Now, some twenty years later, we have Fright Night, the remake. Let us get right to the point. I loved this freaking movie! I thought it was entertaining and well done. The direction is of special note, being that the director showed immeasurable care in holding shots and not resorting to snappy, swift cuts; or, dare I say it -- the dreaded shaky camera. Colin Farrell is fantastic, strangely sexy when he needs to be, and twisted and creepy as hell when it is called for; I also give the actor a lot more credit after his performance in, what I thought was the best movie of that year, In Bruges. The story and script were both clever and intelligent. The new Peter Vincent is both likable and funny as the heroic coward. There were a few glaringly bad choices, namely the lead actor, whose receding hairline made him look 35 not 17, but barring very few inconsistencies I absolutely loved and had fun with Fright Night, 2011. I give the film a very solid FAST FOOD MEAL review.