Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Title: The Butterfly Effect
Director: Eric Bress, J. Mackye Gruber
Year: 2004
Reviewed: August 06, 2004
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I can't believe it… "The Butterfly Effect", turns out (much to my chagrin and ego) to be a pretty damn fine film. Never did I think that I would ever praise a movie whose star happens to be Ashton Kutcher, but hell, that's exactly what I am doing.
I give "The Butterfly Effect" a high Fast Food Meal review.
Now, granted, there are times when Kutcher is less than convincing, it's also difficult to see him as anything, or anyone, other than that nasally, sniveling, elongated simpleton he plays on "That 70's Show", but he doesn't ruin the movie either. I loved the story of this film, and thought the screenplay was incredibly well done. Even the ending is great, and, I might ad, far from anything that might be construed as an ending written or conceived in Hollywood.
It's an interesting concept and a very dark, and interesting film, and as I said before, much to my chagrin, I highly recommend it.
I should point out (thanks to my good friend Devon... Hay! don't forget to check out his website and art! You can find it on my links.) that this review is completely derived from watching the "Director's Cut" off the most recent DVD. If given the choice between the "Director's Cut" and the "theatrical version" I will always go for the former... always. I have no idea what the theatre version was like, and honestly I don't care. I want to see, what the director intended me to see. Period.