Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Neill Blomkamp
Year: 2009
Reviewed: December 30, 2009
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I thoroughly enjoyed "District 9". In the same manner of "Pandorum", and with all honesty, "District 9" is not overly special. It can (and probably has) be coined as derivative of everything from movies, books, and even video games. But the whole bloody mess is so damn entertaining, the lead actor so flippin' believable, that no matter how derivative the movie may or may not be, it's a fuckin' hoot! If you liked "Pandorum" you will love "District 9". It's no where near the quality and depth of a movie like "The Hurt Locker", however, it's as good as it gets. And that's why I proudly and happily give it the highest FAST FOOD MEAL review I can give a movie.