Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Adam McKay
Year: 2015
Reviewed: October 08, 2016
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Rice Cake-Lowest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

So... I just attempted to get through the Oscar winning film, "The Big Short". And I must tell you... it sucked. This movie one best director, best film, and best supporting actor- Christian Bale- who was, as always, fantastic. However, nothing but Bale was even close to being fantastic. This was the most annoying, Ferris Buller inspired, Qeuntin Tarantino rip-off, I've ever seen. The direction was so heavy-handed and over the top I thought I was watching an episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus (but this was NOT funny). Before this movie I watched "Spot Light" which is everything "The Big Short" is not: smart, well-written, well-paced, and well-directed. And, not to put to fine a point on it, "The Big Short" won best picture... best picture! It was so amateurish, so superfluous, I couldn't even finish it. I'm not joking, I turned the fucking film off before I ever got to see Brad Pitt. The film felt like a rip-off of Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street". Oh my God! Then there's Ryan Gosling! I'm getting to a point where I hate the sight of Ryan Gosling, not to mention his pseudo New York accent, which he pushes into every single part he has ever played. Ryan Gosling is not from Brooklyn, folks. (Albeit, he inexplicably sounds like it.) He is from Ontario, Canada for fucks sake! Here, and I quote, is what this moron says about his messed up accent... "As a kid I decided that a Canadian accent doesn't sound tough. I thought guys should sound like Marlon Brando. So now I have a phony accent that I can't shake, so it's not phony anymore."
I got news for you Mr. Gosling, your accent is PHONY and so are you.
"The Big Short" and Ryan Gosling are atrocious. Therefore, it gets my lowest review, a RICE CAKE review.