Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Sam Hargrave
Year: 2020
Reviewed: August 11, 2022
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Not enough has been said about the amazing action film Extraction. Directed by a stunt man who has more credits to his name than he does fingers... and toes. This movie is fantastic! The action is some of the best to come around since John Wick, with some extremely impressive continuous shot sequences that would give 1917 a run for its money, and the story is plausible and realistic. I think by now we can all see Chris Hemsworth as the hero- he comes off both believable and likable
Extraction is as good as it gets as far as intelligent action films go. You do yourself a disservice if you pass this one by. Extraction gets a high FAST FOOD MEAL review.