Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: David Leitch
Year: 2017
Reviewed: February 12, 2018
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

"Atomic Blonde" for me was a surprise: I liked it. It is fun and sexy and filmed in 80's inspired blue and red neon. It's an action movie with a decent amount of smarts; and not only that, but they do what every action movie should be doing (since the dawn of the greatest action movie of all time: "Die Hard"), they kicked their protagonist's ass. That's what you do with a good action movie, you whallop your hero ceaselessly- mentally, emotionally, or physically. It lends to the viewer a nice little suspension of disbelief. I mean, you know they're not gonna kill their hero, but part of you thinks... holy shit, maybe they will kill the hero.
"Atomic Blonde" gets a FAST FOOD MEAL review.