Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Trey Edward Shults
Year: 2017
Reviewed: February 12, 2018
Rating: |
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Rice Cake-Lowest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I had high hopes for the independent film "It Comes at Night". The trailers made it look moody and dark and creepy. However, the movie was sub-par at best, another hipster-horror movie attempting, and miserably failing, at doing something new and daring. I really like Joel Edgerton and he, as always, is very, very good. But the whole premise of an evil outside of the house, which is never seen, only interpreted through the actions of the protagonists, feels forced and woefully inadequate. The characters never explain their actions, so our reactions to their actions, which at times seems amazingly extreme, is one of confusion not dread. Not only that but the main protagonist, a young man by the name of Kelvin Harrison Jr., is, unfortunately, quite bad. I did not believe him in the least, tromping around the wooden cabin as if he were wearing lead shoes when he was supposed to be sneaking.
"It Comes at Night" follows the inept offerings of such hipster-dreck as "It Follows" and "You're Next". That is why I give it my lowest review: a RICE CAKE review.