Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Title: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Director: Kerry Conran
Year: 2004
Reviewed: February 08, 2005
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Birthday Cake-Second Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is the quintessential perfect example of style over substance.
It's not a bad movie, and it certainly is not that great. The major problem with Sky Captain is that it is just far too reminiscent of far too many other films, and more to the point, far superior films, to ever stand alone as anything more than a excessive experiment with C.G.I. and an over-use of a blue, and or, green screen.
The music is a combination of everything John Williams has ever done for Lucas or Spielberg. The story steals greatly from Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, 1942, and even Jurassic Park. The relationship between Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow is a poor, pathetic attempt to recapture the bristling chemistry between Harrison Ford and Karen Allen in Raiders of the Lost Ark. The C.G.I.- the main protagonist, as well as antagonist in this film- is superfluous frosting simply meant to dress a movie with nothing real to say, neither bad nor good. Fluff… pure fluff.
Granted, if I had seen this movie when I was 7 years old I would have thought it the greatest thing ever committed to film, as it is, and thanks to dumb luck, I am a child of the 80's. I grew up with much better movies than the one Sky Captain so dearly wishes to be. Movies, just to name a few, like: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Terminator, Aliens, and, Alien, The Thing, First Blood, Blade Runner, Brazil, Platoon, Star Wars- Empire Strikes Back… etc. These films were much more competently written, much better acted, less insouciant, more intelligent, and more adult. Movies that were more worried with how WELL they were made, rather than the HOW they were made. Movies that dealt with story and character, before they ever dealt with special effects.
There have been a few films recently that have concentrated more on story and character development, i.e. Braveheart, The Insider, Master and Commander, Memento, Fight Club, Collateral, but it appears in this day and age of the ubiquitous computer that artists, those that are held to a higher caliber, are finding themselves overcome by the mediocre and the banal.