Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: McG
Year: 2014
Reviewed: July 01, 2014
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

All right... here's the thing. I went into this movie expecting NOT to like it. And then when I found out the movie was directed by the inexplicably named McG, who directed the painfully and woefully bad "Terminator: Salvation", I had absolutely no hope what so ever. Imagine my surprise when the movie turned out to be not just good, but somewhat great.
I loved it! Now... I do like Kevin Costner, always have. And I think he turns in a very capable performance. But what makes this film such a gem is the writing. Costners' character is dieing, taking an experimental drug, and trying to reconnect with his estranged daughter and wife. It's fun and entertaining, popcorn and light, with the hilarious scenes between killer and victim talking about how best to deal with teenage girls, interwoven with action scenes that are good... not great (a little too over the top for me) but good.
So... I'm happy to say that "3 Days to Kill" gets a very solid FAST FOOD MEAL review. Well done, McG.