Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Kevin Costner
Year: 2003
Reviewed: August 24, 2003
Rating: |
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Four Course Meal-Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I give "Open Range", the movie starring, produced, and directed by, Kevin Costner a FOUR COURSE MEAL RATING.
I loved this movie (obviously). Nevertheless, I can see why some people would not. It's very long; I think coming in and around 3 hours. The set-up is also long, and slow (purposefully wrought and masterfully executed by Kevin Costner). The love relationship is a tad bit on the cliché side, but you know… who cares!
This movie is gorgeous!
Every scene is adroitly shot and photographed. The relationship and chemistry between Kevin Costner's silent and reserved character, "Charlie", and Robert Duvall's grinning, yet serious character, "Boss", is magnificent. I believed every single one of these actors. There wasn't one performance in the movie that felt false or forced. And face it… the only man who looks as believable in cowboy hat and boots besides Sam Elliot is Robert Duvall. The screenplay is sheer genius; with a wit and humor that comes easily and effortlessly, and resonates with a realism that many other movies never, ever achieve. Then we have the end… dare I say, one of the greatest western shootouts ever captured on celluloid: basically, the "pay off", and oh what a "pay off"! Kevin Costner looked as if he'd been "killin' varmints and men since he was waist high to a ponies butt!" The key thing to remember here is Costner not only stars in this film, but he also produced and directed. This feat alone is amazing in and of itself; the fact that the movie is not just good, but excellent, is almost regardless.
You know something…. people have been giving Kevin Costner shit for the last 7 or 8 years. Yah… all right, he did Water World… whatever! He was also in a few not just decent, but phenomenal films: The Untouchables, No Way Out, Silverado, Fandango, Bull Durham, JFK, and yes… Dances With Wolves. (I do not care what anyone thinks; "Dances With Wolves" is a great film. Once again, not only did Kevin Costner star in this, but he also produced and directed it.)
Suffice it to say… if you like great westerns go see "Open Range". If you like good stories go see "Open Range". If you like good acting, good dialogue, good cinematography, good directing, good action sequences, good character development… once again, just go see "Open Range".