Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Year: 2022
Reviewed: July 30, 2022
Rating: |
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Birthday Cake-Second Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Okay... so we have Netflix's "The Gray Man". There are some good things, and there are some bad things as it concerns this here film. The questions is, does the good outweigh the bad? Well, that's for you to decide. For me, the bad was so bad that it's difficult for me to give this movie a review any higher than my second highest.
The good- all right we have C.I.A. contract killers who are a combination of John Wick and Jason Bourne. All the killers are entertaining, from Ryan Gosling to Chris Evans. And who doesn't want to watch Ana de Armas do... well, anything? Of special note is Chris Evans who turns in a wonderfully cheesy performance worthy of Nathan Fillion in "Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog". Some of the fight scenes are exceptional, but there are a number of quick cuts and jarring angles to make them annoying at times.
The bad- too much fucking C.G.! There are myriad scenes of C.G. explosions, C.G. fireworks, C.G. car crashes, C.G. plane crashes, C.G. train crashes; all of which look like your watching a pixar movie; and none of which ad any realism or visceral feel to the already jilted film-making style.
However, worse than the over-the-top, superfluous, and exorbitant C.G. is the depiction of every C.I.A. operative outside the assassins. The commander looks like some hipster model straight out of a G.Q. ad, and acts like a toddler who has dropped his ice cream. There is no sense of reality as it concerns the C.I.A. and this makes every scene depicting the C.I.A. utterly ridiculous and hackneyed. Seriously, I nearly turned off the film because of these scenes. Everyone is young and hip (barring Alfre Woodard, who is wonderful in just about everything she does) and cool. And it doesn't lend the story line, which is trite and cliche to begin with, any leverage or weight whatsoever.
"The Gray Man" is a passable action movie with too much C.G. and unrealistic villains, therefore it gets my BIRTHDAY CAKE REVIEW.