Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Heidi Ewing, Rachel Grady
Year: 2006
Reviewed: January 26, 2007
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Four Course Meal-Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

The documentary "Jesus Camp" gets an extremely high FOUR COURSE MEAL review.
This is one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. There are no overwhelmingly invasive narratives by addled directors, as there were in "Grizzly Man". The story of these terrifying, yet fascinating children is told, quite simply, in their own words. This of course makes Jesus Camp extremely profound.
Ironically, I viewed "Saw III" after "Jesus Camp", which claims to be a horror film, however, the truth is that, for any person possessed of rational or logical thought, "Jesus Camp" was and is one of the most horrific films you will ever see. "Jesus Camp", frighteningly enough, is not fiction. These people do actually exist out their in the world. Not just in the world, but in our country! What is done to these poor, innocent, defenseless children under the auspice of Christianity and something they vehemently like to refer to, as "the truth" is not only reprehensible but also criminal.
I watched this documentary with my mouth open and my eyes aghast. "Jesus Camp" brilliantly shines a light on the vagrancies, fallacies, and hypocrisies inherent within the Christian religion, showing, again with profound alacrity, that there is absolutely no difference between a fundamental Christian, and a fundamental Muslim. I've never seen hatred, isolationism, arrogance, and ignorance so proudly displayed as I had in this wonderful, evocative film.
Whether you're a moderate Christian, a fundamentalist Christian, a Muslim, atheist, agnostic, Jew, Protestant, Buddhist… what have you -- go see "Jesus Camp". It will either radically change your view on America or strengthen it. In any case, it's a film worth seeing. Nay "Jesus Camp" is more than that; it is an important film.