Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Julius Avery
Year: 2018
Reviewed: March 05, 2019
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I wanted to like "Overlord" more than I did. I love horror movies, and who doesn't want to see a bunch of Nazis get their comeuppance? However, there are some major problems with the film; most, if not all, stems from it's utter lack of originality. There is the wise-crackin' Italian, who has seen it all, but has a heart of gold. There is the war-hardened veteran of countless incursions, who has seen it all, done it all, and been there... twice. There's the plucky French beauty, tough as nails, just trying to survive. Then there's the creepy... a little rapey Nazi, experimenting on townsfolk and creating monsters. It was extremely trite, and when you consider that J.J. Abrams has biggest producing credit, it's no wonder there isn't a single solitary shred of originality in this film. You could honestly and realistically argue that the movie is a complete rip-off of the video game "Wofenstein".
With all that said, it was a fun watch. It's gory. The production value is topnotch; in fact I'd even go so far as to say the first act of the movie, which has no monster or horror influence of any kind, is the best part of the film. Did it shake up the horror genre like movies like "The Autopsy of Jane Doe" or "Bone Tomahawk"? No. Did it do anything original? No. Is it predictable as hell? Yup.
Was it fun? You know something, it kind'a was.
Grab a beer, have a pizza or a burger in front of you, and sit back. It ain't the best, but it sure as hell ain't the worst either. That's why I give "Overlord" a low FAST FOOD MEAL review.