Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Title: Fahrenheit 9/11
Director: Michael Moore
Year: 2004
Reviewed: July 24, 2004
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Four Course Meal-Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

The horror of 9/11 was the most graphic tragedy I have ever, personally, witnessed in my limited existence.
What happened afterwards makes the destruction of the Twin Towers seem to pale in comparison.
If you are a human being, not just an "American", with any modicum of conscience, or empathy, or wit, or initiative, or cognition at all, go see Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 911". I hope that it will be the worst, and greatest, "wake-up-call" you've ever received.
It was for me.
Michael Moore is brilliant. If I didn't know that after watching "Bowling for Columbine" I know it now. And, I might ad, one of the greatest American Patriots of our time. His latest movie is phenomenal. I left the theatre in utter disgust and unmitigated fury. And that's a good thing! Because my beauteous Mel and I we're in deep thought; confessing, conversing, debating… and that is what Michael Moore does best. He makes you think, regardless of what you may "think" about him, and thinking, for lack of a much better word, is the wisest, bestest thing a humble human being could ever… "think" to do.
Ask your self a few questions and then think… no, really think about the possibility of some new, perhaps better answers. Remember, it is the intelligent thing to do, thinking that is.
Why are we in Iraq?
How many American, and Iraq, lives are we, as a nation, willing to sacrifice for a war against a country that has never attacked us?
What happened in Afghanistan?
Why was the majority of the world AGAINST invading Iraq?
What exactly is the Patriot Act?
Admittedly, and with some chagrin, I've wondered if this little website of mine is a proper forum for discussing politics and the world at large; for in essence www.kevacho.com is my own little planet, where I have complete and total autonomy and control. I am it's king, and lord supreme. Also, part of me (the paranoid part that stubbornly believes in conspiracy theories) is terrified to speak my mind concerning such political forums, considering that it has been more than once publicly acknowledged and admitted that anyone who questions G.W. (pronounced: Gee-dub-yah) and his "regime", I mean, "government"… is un-American. Which, when you really look at it, completely contradicts the very ideals and ethics of the fathers who actually founded this wonderful country of ours.
So I say, with much applause and pomp and circumstance… blessed be Michael Moore, for he tells the truth, and the truth, as it pertains to July 24 in the year of "their" lord 2004, ain't pretty.