Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Pascal Laugier
Year: 2012
Reviewed: October 28, 2012
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Rice Cake-Lowest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Wow. DOUBLE WOW! The Tall Man, is truly one of the worst films I have ever seen. Why, is it so horrible you might ask? Simple. The theme. And the theme, so ineloquently wrought, is simple: wealthy people deserve children, poor people don't. It doesn't matter that the poor, pacific northwest people love their children and care for them and literally fight to get them back. (In truth, there was one incestuous character, who definitely deserved having his child abducted from him. But... only one.) No, they're poor, and therefore beneath any humanitarian regard. They do not belong in the world of "The Tall Man". They simply do not count.
So, Jessica Biel's character abducts them, and spirits them away to loving, wealthy families. And as mentioned above, with seemingly no regard to the welfare of said children, or the depth of love for which the grief-stricken parents might feel. And Jessica Biel does this while "acting". You can SEE her "acting". She "acts" tired and she "acts" drunk. She "acts" sad and she "acts" mad. She's "acting" all over the goddamn place. Problem is, I just don't believe she can "act".
The Tall man gets a RICE CAKE review. Avoid it as if it actually was a zombie apocalypse.