Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Doug Liman
Year: 2014
Reviewed: September 23, 2014
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Holy crap! I loved "Edge of Tomorrow". Just loved it! And why not? This is the director who was at the helm of one of the greatest Rom/Com in the history of Rom/Com's- "Swingers." But seriously, "Edge of Tomorrow" is so much fun, and so well written and acted that I struggle with whether or not to give it a FOUR COURSE MEAL review. It has everything you want from a Sci-Fi movie: great special effects, and a fun premise; but there's more. The story is thought provoking and smart. The dialogue witty without being forced and also genuinely funny. Emily Blunt sizzles, per usual, and Tom Cruise... hell, Tom Cruise is, dare I say it, great. His portrayal of, basically, a coward is heartfelt, endearing, and honest.
I loved this movie, and so should you.