Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Marin Scorsese
Year: 2013
Reviewed: April 18, 2014
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I loved "The Wolf of Wall Street"... I did. So, why did it I not give it a FOUR COURSE MEAL review. Two reasons. First off, for a, essentially, three hour movie it was entertaining as hell. This is "black comedy" at it's best children. However, I do believe it was too long. Scorsese could have cut quite a few scenes, editing them down to the basic essentials of story and character, and the film would have been fine. With that said, the movie is so entertaining and I was laughing out loud most of the time, it certainly didn't feel overly long. Second, and for me the most important reason I don't believe this is an Oscar, nor a FOUR COURSE MEAL review worthy film is its outline, basically story structure. The structure is almost a carbon copy of Scorsese's brilliant film "Good Fellas". Note for note. Beat for beat. It is certainly not a reason NOT to like this film, but it is the main reason I can't give it a FOUR COURSE MEAL review.
Martin Scosese is 71 years old and has been working in the industry for over 50 years. He is a consummate professional and artist and his films are immensely enjoyable to watch. We should all be so lucky. "The Wolf of Wall Street" is no exception.