Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon
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Director: Antoine Fuqua
Year: 2016
Reviewed: January 09, 2017
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]
And here it is the second western movie also having, if not starring, Ethan Hawke. And you know what? I really enjoyed it. My brother has a significant love of the John Sturges 1960's movie, which I understand and respect. (For my part there are many... MANY films from the 80's that will never... NEVER be improved upon in their inevitable, yet painful 21st century reboots.) However, considering I wasn't born until 69, and have only seen Sturges' film once I do not have an opinion, strong or otherwise. Therefore, my enjoyment of Fuqua's version might be explained. And strangely enough, or maybe not so strangely, it is Hawke who really shines in this movie; Hawke, and admittedly Fuqua's deft hand with both camera and action. Hawke's character- Goodnight Robicheaux- is one of the great characters of many a modern western, and Fuqua's decision to conceive and finally execute a number of practical stunts and actions sequences is heavily applauded. Sure. There are a bunch of inaccuracies: Haley Bennet's revealing costume, albeit appreciated, would probably have gotten her run out of town, the never ending gatling gun clip, not to mention the pin point accuracy of said weapon, but while I'm at it I may as well quibble about the accuracy of all the weapons. Seriously, these are all quibbles. "The Magnificent Seven" is supposed to be fun and entertaining. And I for one think it's both, not to mention the fact that Fuqua didn't puss out and make the ending happy. it is in fact tragic. Just another thing for which to applaud him.
I liked the reboot of "The Magnificent Seven". I give it a mid to low FAST FOOD MEAL review.