Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Title: IRON MAN 3
Director: Shane Black
Year: 2013
Reviewed: October 17, 2013
Rating: |
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Birthday Cake-Second Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I should probably admit to NOT being a fan of either the characters Iron Man/Tony Stark, nor the movies based on the character. What's to like about a spoiled rich kid that gets everything he wants? For my part, the answers simple... nothing. In Iron Man 1 Tony Stark is a rich douche-bag who has a change of heart and becomes somewhat less of a douche-bag. In Iron Man 2 Tony Stark's a douche-bag that saves the world. In Iron Man 3... yep, still a douche-bag.
The only reason these films work is one man, Rober Downey Jr., who plays Tony Stark as "douchey" as possible, and I love him for it. I also like the writer/director, Shane Black, who wrote all three Lethal Weapons, as well as "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang". But Iron Man 3 fails, and fails a lot. There's some sharp dialogue and bunch of action scenes, but it's all for not. We know Tony Stark/Iron Man will survive. Nothing of any value is ever taken from him- emotionally, mentally, or physically. We know that if he can't buy his way out of a situation, the "suit" will save him. There's never any concern that anyone close to him will die, so we, the viewer, are never concerned when Pepper Potts is in mortal danger, or Happy Hogan gets mortally wounded. We know they'll be all right. And guess what? They are. Even Guy Pierce, perhaps one of the greatest character actors of all time, cannot elevate this frosting-coated fluff machine to anything other than a bunch of computer graphics and Robert Downey Jr. acting smarmy. With every cartoon explosion, with every metal suit, with every quip and bit of mordant wit... all is well.
To be honest, I was nodding off in the huge actions scene in Act 3. "Iron Man 3", the undeservedly hyped sequel, gets a very low BIRTHDAY CAKE review.