Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: David Ayer
Year: 2014
Reviewed: April 09, 2014
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

So here we have it, "Sabotage". Arnold at his best or quite possibly his darkest, most assuredly his oldest. Let's get right to it. I loved this movie! Sure there are some "not-so-convincing" scenes and sequences, mainly the action climax at the end reads a little false and over the top, not to mention the whole "nailing a guy to the ceiling" gag- I mean, how is that done literally and physically... the effort it would take to nail a big dude to the ceiling would be great, to say the least. But barring these things, "Sabotage" is a fun, relatively smart, and wonderfully dark action movie. It drips with blood and viscera, literally. Arnie is what Arnie is- a star. Not necessarily an actor, but a star of the biggest and baddest variety, not to mention that for a 67 year old man he looks fantastic. We should all be so lucky. "Sabotage" was a joy to watch. And I actually do think that Arnie gave a pretty convincing performance. "Sabotage" gets a high FAST FOOD MEAL review.