Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Christopher Nolan
Year: 2005
Reviewed: June 25, 2005
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Holy bat shit!
This movie's great! I mean, really fuckin' great!
I'm not sure if it's high cinema, but… Goddamn Batman Begins rocks! And rocks oh so hard!
What can I say? This movie is so well done, on every single aspect: character, story, fight scenes, action scenes, special effects, direction, and editing, acting, choreography. Batman Begins has it all and does it all, better than most, I might add. The cast is brilliant, the acting superb. Christian Bale is wonderful as the new Batman, and everyone else; from Michael Cane to Liam Neeson, from Katie Holmes to Gary Oldman, from Rutger Hauer (one of my all-time favorites) to Morgan Freeman, is utterly superb.
I think, however, the most outstanding and provocative note of the entire film is the screenplay. There's so much depth and emerging characterization in Batman Begins, it reminded me of how movies are supposed to be made. Story and character first, special effects and explosions second.
Batman Begins gets the highest FAST FOOD MEAL review I can give. Excellent. Everyone who was involved with this film should be damn proud.