Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Tim Burton
Year: 2008
Reviewed: April 27, 2008
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

"Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" is, for a musical, a hell of a whole lot of fun. For one thing, they seemed to "fix" said Musical. Or at the very least, they have fixed the thing I found the most annoying, as it pertains to musicals. I have never been one who readily enjoys watching a movie, listening to dialogue, and then, for a reason that is born slightly beyond reason, the characters suddenly and inexplicably break into song. Talk about suspension of belief! People don't like Fantasy films because they're unrealistic and yet there they are, suckin' up musicals like Slurpee's. Yet, "Sweeney Todd" does not suffer from this, and that's one reason I enjoyed it so much. Tim Burton consciously dispensed with all but the most vital elements of dialogue. Not only that, but he introduced the movie with a song; the best, most effective way to let us know this is indeed a musical.
I give "Sweeney Todd" a high FAST FOOD MEAL review.
Let's see… I'm Johnny Depp. I am a world-renowned and well-respected actor. I make millions of dollars yearly. Women let loose their panties at the mere mention of my name. I am both talented and attractive. Did I mention I can sing?
(Bloody hell! What are the rest of us schmucks supposed to do?)