Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Paul Andrew Williams
Year: 2008
Reviewed: October 27, 2019
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

And here we have "The Cottage". "Doghouse" and "The Cottage" were completely unknown to me until I ran across them on some stupid top 10 list on youtube. Both are British. Both are horror/comedies. I also loved them both with every inch of my dark and demented heart. It's going to be tough, nigh impossible, for any'a you living outside of Portland, OR to find them. If you don't have access to the amazing and incredible Movie Madness, you're prob'ly, as the kids like to say, "shit outta luck". But if by some magical way you can, I recommend them. "The Cottage" is more of a slower paced horror/comedy with great performances from both Andy Serkis and Reece Shearsmith. And 'nough said, I loved it.
"The Cottage" gets, yet another, solid FAST FOOD MEAL review.