Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Title: SAW
Director: James Wan
Year: 2004
Reviewed: November 10, 2004
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Birthday Cake-Second Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

For some reason I wasn't that impressed with this movie. I give it a higher BIRTHDAY CAKE review. It was not bad, but it wasn't stupendous either. Granted, this opinion could be one garnered by too much hype, but honestly I expected more… more gore, more horror, more terror, more "freak out" factor. I heard that it was made for a very limited budget, which I completely respect, but it was also kind of obvious that it was cheap to make. At one point, Cary Elwes was supposed to have "sawn" through his own ankle. After which, he crawls about horrifically, dragging his amputated stump behind him. Okay… that's all good and dark and maddening, but I distinctly saw the actors foot, garbed in what appeared to be a dirty sock. I mean, give me a break! At least put his foot in a whole, or add some disgusting prosthetic. Don't just put Cary's foot in a sock and call it good.
Character wise, Saw, wasn't that bad. I liked Danny Glover's twisted and insane character. I liked the fact that Adam hid his real identity throughout most of the story from Doctor Lawrence Gordon, and I really liked how they introduced the killer at the end of the movie (this, of course, being the best part of the film). But still, Saw felt like a wanna-be remake of better movies like Seven and Silence of the Lambs. Maybe it was the production value, maybe I'm jaded, and this is the most terrifying film to come out in years… I da'know, suffice it to say, Saw was a let down for me. I kept wanting more.