Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Rian Johnson
Year: 2017
Reviewed: January 19, 2018
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

So, I saw it. And here it is... my review. I'm gonna start out with the good, the things I liked, and then with the other things... the things I didn't like. I give "The Last Jedi" a low FAST FOOD MEAL review; maybe even a high BIRTHDAY CAKE review. I don't know. I'm still waffling. Oh! Very, very important- SPOILERS ABOUND! I repeat- SPOILERS ABOUND! If you haven't seen the movie, do so, and then read this review.
So, I liked the relationship between Luke, Rey, and Ren. I liked that we are back to a puppet Yoda voiced by Frank Oz, which is proper and good and, I might ad, "One with the Force". I liked the fact that this is a Star Wars movie through and through. However, I think there might be more things I didn't like.
I did not like some of the choices they made: and this does not come from some overzealous fandom opinion- no- these are choices concerning character, theme, story, and even aesthetics. I hated "space Leia". It did not fit her character that she is a 60-70 year old woman who has never exhibited any power in the force and then, all of a sudden like, she's able to survive the cold dark emptiness of space and fly herself back to safety. Nah, don't buy it! Furthermore, they've killed off all the originals except for Leia; which in retrospect is seriously bad considering, unfortunately and with the utmost respect, Carrie Fisher is now dead. It would make much more sense thematically and story-wise if she had died in space.
I've never liked Emperor Snoke. I hate the fact that they made him a CGI character... fucking hate it! And to make matters worse they put him in a shimmering gold robe. He didn't look like the emperor or a Sith lord, he looked like he was about to audition for the "Solid Gold Dancers".
The movie is way... WAY too god damn long: clocks in at two and a half hours, and to further my point the whole side-plot with Finn and Rose and DJ was uttlerly and completely superfluous. You literally could have axed that entire subplot, taken twenty minutes to possibly a half hour off the film, and not only would it have been shorter, but it would have been a better movie.
There are multiple endings, similar to the mistake Peter Jackson made in "Return of the King". It was almost as if the director wanted to keep hammering home his point, but forgot to treat the audience not like nails, but like thinking mature adults. The final scene with the child in the stables is, again, absolutely superfluous.
"The Last Jedi" is not "Rogue One", nor is it "Empire Strikes Back" or even "A New Hope". Nope. "The Last Jedi" is more along the lines of "Return of the Jedi".