Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Title: MOTHER!
Director: Darren Arnofsky
Year: 2017
Reviewed: February 12, 2018
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I'll be honest with you, I really don't know what the fuck is going on in Arnofsky's 7th film, "Mother!". It is unsettling, disturbing, and violent. There is no sure footing in the story, we, the audience, are tossed about in a chaotic world that makes little to no sense, but is compounded and wreathed in a barely-perceived sense of dread. I liked it. I like it when a writer or a director manipulates me: my emotions and my thoughts and my ideals of what a movie should and should not be. "Mother!" is most definitely not for everyone, however, I do think it is worth a viewing.
"Mother!" gets a FAST FOOD MEAL review.
p.s. Jennifer Lawrence, as always, is superlative.