Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Steven Maeda, Matt Owens
Year: 2023
Reviewed: January 17, 2024
Rating: |
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Rice Cake-Lowest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Admittedly, I don't get it.
What's with all the love for One Piece?
I mean, I understand it's based on a manga, and then went on to be an anime, and is now a live-action series on Netflix. I also appreciate and understand that manga/anime fans are passionate, and that they love what they love, and they love... LOVE manga/anime. But One Piece is so smarmy and silly and insouciant as to be stupid.
I mean, watching a character walk around with three katana's strapped to his left hip is stupid. Then seeing how he wields the third, in his mouth, is even more stupid. A child wants to be a pirate so bad he cuts himself. Why? Who knows. Who cares. Then said child devours some sort of fantasy fruit and gets super powers.
He can stretch and is elastic like Mister Fantastic. How? Why? Who knows. Who cares. The CGI is laughable. The acting even more so. It strikes me as a children's show but it's unnecessarily gory. The production design is on par with a local children's theatre. And then there's the main protagonist, who frenetically meanders through the story emoting the most annoying smirk in movie history.
One Piece is horrible. Therefore, it gets my dreaded RICE CAKE review. I made it through the first episode, but decided to relegate it to the slush pile after that.